Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Dream of Riding an Alpaca, Sadly Didn`t Come True

    And so, the Peru Cru is close to heading home, after shoving everything back into my suitcase and praying that all the alpaca sweaters would fit, I´m ready to flyyyyy. First though we`re headed to Adriana´s aunt´s house for a yummy lunch! Then to the airport to depart on our long journey back to the states, well to the states then to Canada (eh).
   To wrap things up, I have been asked by Mark to share my favorite part of the trip. Hmm, that`s a tough question. Everything was so fun and definitely worth the cold showers at Kaminu. Although the Vecunia was THE cutest creature in the world (I mean... just look at that wittle face), I would have to say driving the boat yesterday in the ocean was so much fun. I don´t know why, but I´m so much more comfortable on water than i am on land; as Nora said yesterday, and I quote "you can´t trip in water!" Going over the waves at high speed was so much fun, it was truly then did I realize... boats were not made to fly, but having the pit of your stomach drop to the soaking wet plastic floor of the tour boat was still exciting.
   Overall, I am both sad and excited to go home. I am sad to go, because to be honest, Peru is so much more fun than Vermont and we have done so many awesome things and met so many amazing people on the way. Might I add that we do not have Vecunias or Alpacas and Llamas in my town (which DEFINITELY needs to change). But I am happy to go home and share all of the stories, jokes, and new knowledge I have gained about the world outside of little ol` Vermont. I feel as though I have grown and matured as a person from this trip. All of the sites we went to and the experience we all shared has made me realized that there is an amazing world outside of the U.S, all you have to do is open your eyes and look. 

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